Kelly Horn

Panhellenic President

California State University, Fullerton is currently the home of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Kappa, and Zeta Tau Alpha. They are officially referred to as ‘Panhellenic sororities’, as they fall under the 26 national sororities belonging to the National Panhellenic Conference.

A Panhellenic association is established at every college with more than one Panhellenic sorority, and works to act as the governing body for the sorority community as a whole. It also includes a Panhellenic Executive Council, which is made up of members from different chapters.

Here at CSUF, Panhellenic aims to promote leadership, sisterhood, and personal development within our community. We are responsible for recruitment, programming, and scholarship, as well as maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment.

What is Panhellenic?